English-Spanish / Spanish-English Word to Word Dictionary$24.50
L’œuvre Législative du Gouvernement de Transition d’Haïti (2004-2006)$50.00
Dictionnaire Historique De La Révolution Haïtienne$49.50
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Fort Dimanche$19.50
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Mango in Haiti: Long on Promise, Short on Delivery$24.50
Caribbean Landscapes: An Interpretive Atlas$59.00
Haiti’s Development Through Expatriate Reconnection$35.00
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Vodou a Sacred Theatre$40.00
Fine Haitian Cuisine Hardcover$69.00
Who is Who in Haitian Diaspora$34.50
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The Caribbean Woman Writer as Scholar: Creating, Imagining, Theorizing$40.00
Memoir of an Amnesiac$19.00
Revolutionary Freedoms: A History of Survival, Strength and Imagination in Haiti$40.00
Jacques Roumain: A Life Of Resistance$35.00
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Cuba: The Struggle for Consumption$24.50
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Music of the Indian Diaspora in Trinidad (with CD)$40.00
Fieldwork Identities in the Caribbean$27.50
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The People’s Poet : Life and Myth of Ismael Riviera, an Afro – Caribbean Icon$24.50
The Haitian Peasantry through Oral and Written Literature: Roumain, Alexis, Endore, Carpentier and Fountain$24.50
Haïti Déforestée, Paysages Remodelés$40.00
Theater of the French Caribbean: Traditions and Contemporary Stages$24.50
Interplay Of Cultural Narratives in Martinique : French, African and Indian Journeys Toward a Pluralistic Society$24.50